AER Amplifiers

Every instrument deserves the chance to be evenly heard in its natural beauty. Since 1992 we at AER have never let go our passion for instruments, music, tone and that little bit extra we can put on top to push things further, perform better — we just love it.

AER Amplifiers - Entry Level

  • TOOB Metro 6.5BG+ 130 w speaker cabinet 4.5 pounds

    Metro 6.5BG The incredible BG (Bass&Guitar) version is slightly deeper and internally dampened. Its single sound port in the back panel, covered with a thick layer of felt, acts as a pressure valve, providing acoustic suspension for a deeper bass response. It ranges from from the lowest double bass/bass guitar notes to 4 kHz, hence perfect for guitar, too.

    Price $350


    TOOB Metro 6.5BG+ 130 w speaker cabinet 4.5 pounds

  • TOOB Metro 6.5BG 130 w speaker cabinet 4.5 pounds

    Metro 6.5BG The incredible BG (Bass&Guitar) version is slightly deeper and internally dampened. Its single sound port in the back panel, covered with a thick layer of felt, acts as a pressure valve, providing acoustic suspension for a deeper bass response. It ranges from from the lowest double bass/bass guitar notes to 4 kHz, hence perfect for guitar, too.

    Price $325


    TOOB Metro 6.5BG 130 w speaker cabinet 4.5 pounds

  • TOOB Metro 6.5GP speaker cabinet

    Metro 6.5 GP is great Home, practice room, studio, teaching, travel, small gigs - the GP (Guitar Ported) version does it all is style. You will be amazed only weighing 4 pounds

    Price $299


    TOOB Metro 6.5GP speaker cabinet