AER Amplifiers
Every instrument deserves the chance to be evenly heard in its natural beauty. Since 1992 we at AER have never let go our passion for instruments, music, tone and that little bit extra we can put on top to push things further, perform better — we just love it.
AER Amplifiers - Entry Level
AER Alpha Plus Amplifier
The Alpha plus is a complement to our Alpha, still as professional and versatile as the Alpha itself, but provided with increased power output.
MSRP $1,129Price $999CLICK FOR MORE
AER Alpha Plus Amplifier
AER Alpha Amplifier
Open sounding and quick in response this amp masters different ranges and is thus not afraid of bigger instruments.
AER Alpha Amplifier
AER Amplifiers - Standard Level
AER Domino 2 Amplifier
It allows 4 signals at the same time and is fully equipped to work as an orchester system for small and medium sized venues especially in combination with the active extensions
MSRP $2,099Price $1,799CLICK FOR MORE
AER Domino 2 Amplifier
AER Compact Mobile 2 Amplifier
Whether you chose to play in the old town or on a glacier, the sound is always clear and omnipresent.
MSRP $1,999Price $1,699CLICK FOR MORE
AER Compact Mobile 2 Amplifier
AER Compact 60/4 Amplifier
Tried out during live performance it has become the standard equipment of those musicians who value sound, simplicity and independence.
MSRP $1,399$1,999$1,399CLICK FOR MORE
AER Compact 60/4 Amplifier
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AER Amplifiers - Advanced Level
AER Domino 3 Amplifier
What was supposed to be an update turned into a different class ... Now really stereo, with two twin cone speakers and high performance power amps.
MSRP $2,999Price $2,599CLICK FOR MORE
AER Domino 3 Amplifier